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Writer's pictureSteve Richmond

All the news that fits our views

From a scene in Network.

Corporate media

The corporate media refers to itself as 'mainstream' in an effort to marginalize so-called "alternative" media. While some instances (e.g. BBC) are not strictly commercial, all the corporate media is hierarchically structured, so a very small number of editors can censor or modify its output.

Corporate/commercially controlled media (CCM), also termed big media, legacy media, old media or (misleadingly) mainstream media (MSM) is a set of corporations whose main output will be familiar to most, i.e. BBC, CNN, Washington Post, New York Times etc. Their censorship and control by the deep state are primary reasons that this website was set up.

Official Narrative

Echoing the official narrative of its more highly funded, longer established bedfellows, Wikipedia refers to the large news conglomerates with their preferred self-description, the "mainstream media" (MSM). As of January 2017, the Wikipedia page had lead for some years with a reference to a 1997 article by Noam Chomsky, stating that "Mainstream Media" (MSM) "both reflect and shape prevailing currents of thought".This is an uncomfortable fit with a September 2016 poll finding that found only 32% of US adults trusting big media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly."


The wikipedia page itself refers to the massive media consolidation in the US (though Wikipedia editors have removed details of its extent). Considering that corporate media has a hierarchical structure this renders them easily controllable, rendering the idea of big media as "reflective" of public opinion as highly suspect. Since the news agenda is dictated by a very small number of very rich individuals, it has been suggested that the phrase "mainstream" would be more accurate if replaced by a label which respected the plutocratic agenda it promotes. On Wikispooks, the term CCM (Commercially/Corporate Controlled Media) is preferred.

Deep state control

A lot of topics such as popular culture, celebrities etc. are of only marginal interest to deep state forces. On those which are of interest, a range of of measures combine to give more or less (generally more) effective control over what is published. The formal hierarchy of editor control is only the most obvious of a whole suite of methods to regulate the output of the corporate media. The net result is that certain established official narratives are promoted - as are those who think in these terms and can naturally write convincingly about them; conversely, those who are set on expressing alternative evidence or opinions find their careers as professional journalists short-lived. Although so pervasive as to be almost universal, this deep control goes unnoticed by many in the profession, whose reporting remains so far from matters of interest to the deep state that is remains outside their experience.


Corporate media attempt to maintain plausible deniability as a fallback position in case their lies, whether of omission of commission, or exposed later. The 1995 case of Steve Wilson and Jane Akre clarified an important point, although it was not widely reported in US at the time. The couple were fired when they refused to tailor their investigation into RBGH to suit Monsanto's wishes. Ruling on their case, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed that their employer could demand that they lie since there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States. An uncertain but large proportion (perhaps >50%) of TV news footage in USA is in fact VNRs (video news releases) produced by 3rd party corporations, as a kind of stealth advertising that masquerades as news.

Loss of confidence

The US public no longer has the faith it used to in corporate media. The proportion of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976 to just 8 percent in 2016. This trend may have inspired the "fake news website" campaign of late 2016 which blewback into the popularity of the phrase "fake news", which continues to inpire people to cross check media sources, further undermining faith in sources which are mendacious.


Daniel Ellsberg says that the White House has ordered the press not to cover the revelations of Sibel Edmonds:

“I am confident that there is conversation inside the Government as to ‘How do we deal with Sibel [Edmonds]? The first line of defense is to ensure that she doesn’t get into the [corporate] media. I think any outlet that thought of using her materials would go to to the government and they would be told “don’t touch this...”” Daniel Ellsberg (2014)  -

Internet censorship is of necessity more complex and varied where many users can post. Covert censorship is generally preferred, but sometimes overt censorship is resorted to. Wikipedia has its own censorship practices. Reddit is subject to censorship and control. In November 2016 Reddit banned a group which was investigating top level pedophilia in US society to prevent a "witch hunt". The group continued their investigate at, an alternative platform not owned by Conde Nast. The group has compiled a list of dozens of corporate media outlets which removed related content.

The "third rail" effect

The sudden about face of the UK's best selling newspaper, the Sunday Times as regards Sibel Edmonds could be likened to that of the San Jose Mercury News after Gary Webb revealed the CIA's deep involvement in drug trafficking. Both papers, after initially carrying out their own research to verify the information, backed their source's extraordinary revelations. Both however sudden reversed their policy without providing an explanation.

“[The] investigation based on Edmonds’ information was supposed to have four parts, but was inexplicably dropped. “The story was pulled half-way, suddenly, without any warning”, the journalist said. “I wasn’t party to the editorial decision to drop the story, but there was a belief in the office amongst several journalists who were part of the Insight investigative unit that the decision was made under pressure from the U.S. State Department, because the story might cause a diplomatic incident... The way the story was dropped was unusual, but the belief amongst my colleagues this happened under political pressure is plausible.” He cryptically described an “editorial mechanism, linked to the paper but not formally part of it, which could however exert control on stories when necessary, linked to certain interests.” When asked which interests, the journalist said, “I can’t say. I can’t talk about that.”” An unnamed "lead reporter" on Edwards' series at the Sunday Times. (January 2008)  -

Certain topics - such as the 2001 Mexican legislative assembly attack or Le Cercle - have been subject to an almost total media blackout, though solid primary sources exist and their occurrence is key to understanding the modern world.


The last 20 years have seen an unprecedented consolidation of media ownership, meaning that ownership of US TV, radio, newspaper and billboards is more concentrated than ever. The same process has been repeated worldwide - leaving an ever smaller number of huge corporations controlling an ever large number of formerly independent media outlets, retaining the apparent diversity of opinion while in fact exercising hierarchical control over content, thus presenting a controlled spectrum of opinion.

High Profile Examples

On the face of it the BBC, as a tax-payer funded organisation (or 'public-service broadcaster' as current Newspeak has it), ought to be less susceptible to the commercial pressures on the rest of the corporate media. On matters of little importance to the deep state, the BBC is relatively balanced and impartial. This however makes its clandestine control by the powers that be all the more insidious. There are many cases of such lofty dismissal, amply documented on the Media Lens. Where issues impinge upon the interests of the permanent government, the BBC has always been the voice of the British Establishment. Its charter is the work of men wedded to the Mackinder-Rhodes-Milner vision of the British Empire as a missionary force for 'progress' and the spread of civilisation in the world; it is financed on the whim of a government in thrall of the deep state. How could it be anything else?


Full article: Wikipedia

Wikipedia experienced a professionalisation around 2007 which moved it firmly in the direction of the commercially controlled media. This is most clearly understood through the "Reliable Sources" policy in particular which means, more or less, that if a subject hasn't been reported on by commercially controlled media or by those in established positions of social power and influence, then Wikipedia doesn't want to know about it. These policies do in fact lead to a credible and useful encyclopaedia on whole swathe of topics (i.e. technical, non-political topics) no doubt giving many readers the misleading impression that Wikipedia articles are reliable even for politically sensitive topics.


The audience of several corporate media companies (such as MSNBC, Fox News and CNN) declined significantly in 2013 suggesting that viewers were going elsewhere for information. The main alternative to the corporate media is the internet, where a multiplicity os smaller sources (such as Wikispooks) provide an alternative to the online corporate news sites. One response to this has been to ramp up propaganda about "cyberterrorism" and to expand internet censorship under pretexts such as the "war on terror" or the protection of "intellectual property".

Search Engines

The de facto monopoly of search engines and social networking websites run by corporations well integrated in business networks poses another challenge for those who want to avoid manipulation. An alternative search engine is the seeks project which uses user-defined page ranking.

The ranking of commercially controlled search engines presents an obstacle for social change because

  1. they keep users in search bubbles;

  2. they censor hot topics right away;

  3. most importantly they act as multiplier to the - as of 2015 - commercially controlled public opinion through their ranking based on popularity. "Share" and "Like" buttons have a similar multiplier function which makes alternative news and research appear marginal compared to the boosted Consensus trance.


Related Documents

911 Truth and the MSM February 2010 Elizabeth Woodworth A description of the changing response of the corporate media to the events of 9/11 over the 8 years since the event. Cryptome’s searing critique of Snowden Inc February 2010 Tim Shorrock Commentary on an interview with John Young and his wife Deborah Natsios by Pit Schultz of at the 'Transmedia 2016' event in Berlin on 6 February 2016 Election 2017: finally, a real choice for Britain's votersArticle17 May 2017 Raoul MartinezNo wonder the billionaire-owned media are attacking Jeremy Corbyn with everything they've got. But we the people can still win.Filtering Sources On The Syrian War February 2014 David EdwardsA cogent demonstration of the gross bias of the mainstream media in its coverage of the ongoing 2011 Syrian insurgency. It shows that they are immune to any lessons of their similarly mendacious reporting both before and during the 2003 Iraq warMore Guardian ‘brainwashing’ on Putin commentary 24 March 2014 Jonathan Cook A master-class in how the celebrated 'Free-Press' of the Western commercially controlled media is harnessed to the narrative requirements of the Establishments of which they are a part, turning them into little more than propaganda organs where major foreign policy issues are concerned. No fair hearing for Assange at the Guardian February 2016 Jonathan Cook Demonstrates the Establishment-friendly double standards of the UK's flagship 'Left-wing' newspaper - The Guardian - through analysis of its coverage of a UN decision on the political asylum of Julian Assange Sanitizing the Bahraini Crackdown March 2011 Stephen Gowans The Dominant Grand Narrative Of Our Time January 2014 David Cromwell Mainstream media spokesmen, journalists and reporters are corralled into supporting and promoting the Establishment 'Dominant Grand-Narrative of our Time' while most appear blissfully unaware of the gross deceptions their careers are harnessed too - 'a man cannot see what his livelihood requires him NOT to see' - as the saying goes The Freedom of Courage October 2017 Craig Murray When you see the right wing Establishment worldwide, plus the entire mainstream media, united against ordinary people as we see today in Catalonia, it's a no-brainer which side you should be on.The Propaganda Model October 2011 David Cromwell An overview of the 'Propaganda Model' that accurately defines the nature of the western mainstream media. It also illustrates why "Commercially Controlled Media" is probably a better and more accurate term. The deeper truths journalists are blind to. February 2016 Jonathan Cook Corporate media is constitutionally incapable of honest objective reporting on matters affecting the vital interests of Establishment power. File:Truthontherock.pdf Glasgow University Media Group An investigation into the wholesale distortion of news by the corporate media when reporting on the SAS killings of 3 IRA members in Gibraltar on 6 March 1988. It is a serious indictment of the British media's handling of the affair and particularly that of The Sunday Times. US media, politicians mobilize against Sochi Olympics February 2014 Andrea Peters A useful analysis of the orchestrated campaign of vilification against Russia and its president coincident with the run-up to the Sochi winter Olympics.

Related Quotations

Chris Hedges“The crisis that we face is not so much an economic crisis but a moral crisis. The utter cynicism on the part of very well paid media who have become in essence hedonists of power (which is what courtiers are) that the truth no longer matters, that that sacred contract that a great reporter makes between the viewer or the reader to tell them the truth is no longer relevant.”
George Orwell “Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.”
Election 2017: finally, a real choice for Britain's voters “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” Malcolm X
Malcolm XMalcolm X“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”


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